Posted on Dark Faerie Tales.There’s something about Heather Anastasiu’s writing that calls to me. Override is the follow up book to Glitch, a futuristic story based futuristic societies and controlled thoughts. Once again Anastasiu brought me to the world that I was amazed by, managing to surprise me with her own twists and turns. What I loved about Glitch was renewed in Override, and I can’t wait to tell you why.In Override, there is chaos, breaking free from the control that the government set into place. Zoe was hiding underneath the government’s noses, living in the walls until Adrien came back for her. Living outside and away from the control wasn’t a safe option for Zoe, being allergic to the atmospheric allergens. But plans never work out the way they were intended. Zoe must risk it all and escape. The Chancellor wants Zoe, for her own purposes and control. She will stop at nothing to get Zoe back. In true second book fashion, Zoe discovers what she is made of. She tests her beliefs and stretches out her power. When Zoe is now a part of something bigger, and she must do whatever she can to carry it out.Zoe is still someone that I adored in this book. There was something refreshing about learning about emotions and feelings through Zoe’s eyes. Just being able to encounter all of these strange thoughts and feelings, must have been so different prior to her disconnecting. Her feelings intensify in Override, and not just for Adrien. Zoe finally has something worth fighting for and she won’t stop at nothing to get what she wants. I loved where Anastasiu brought her in the end of Override. It was well worth the wait.It’s hard to talk about the characters without giving anything away, but I’ll do my best. I didn’t swoon as hard for Adrien in Override as much as I did in Glitch. He was a more absent and disconnected from the storyline, but with a very good excuse. He struggles with a choice and it alters the relationship slightly. Anastasiu introduces us to new characters, all with strong, individual personalities. They each had their own persona and added to the reasons why I liked Override.Where everything in Glitch was uniform and controlled, Override was not. There were many elements that could not be controlled, and I’m not just talking about the plot. From the scenery and environment there were places and spaces that is newly introduced. It made for an interesting variable. Anastasiu brought a lot of twists and turns, some predictable and some not. I enjoyed it all and thought it made for an easily flowing plot. There weren’t an abundance of elements that caused chaos nor were there too many personalities to get to know. It was balanced well and I was able to keep up with everything. I enjoyed it, I felt wonderful emotions, and at the end of the book, I wanted more.